I need "the life", but where is it?
I need "the life", but where is it?
I need the strength and the focus I once had and that got lost on the way to what I believe is my place in life. What I want and what I need is two different things that not always walk hand in hand. Maybe they will never again stand next to each other and there will be a force to go either way and leave the other behind...
The journey is hard and the road is narrow even if I try to take the easy way out sometimes. I still want the song and the fairytale I everyday see around me. For me it's so far away and I've pulled every muscle in my body reaching for it all my life!
It has gotten so far that as soon as I can see it I start bending over backwards just to get another glimpse of what I think I want and need. To please seems to be my mission but it never takes me to where I want anyway, so why I do it is a mystery...
To be able to find my red thread there is a demand for transformation and reconstruction of my failure ways.